Written by : Patrick McHale
Amelia Levari
Bert Youn
Directed by : Nick Cross
Nate Cash
Genre : Horror Comedy, Supernatural, Adventure
The series centers around two brothers, Wirt and Greg, who become lost in a strange forest called the Unknown. In order to find their way home, the two must travel across the forest, adrift in time, with the help of the wise, elderly Woodsman and Beatrice, an irritable bluebird who travels with the boys in order to undo a curse that has affected her whole family.
Elder Brother of greg. The self absorbed and sissy but good at poetry and clarinet. He rather keep his own decision rather than listen to the others.
The younger brother of Wirt who always play and Carefree. he live like a free spirit who go anywhere and do anything he want. he carries a frog whose name is undetermined
Beatrice ( Melanie Lynskey)
A talking bluebird who helped Wirt and greg to pass the unknown forest because he owed a live to greg. She is mysterious but helpful
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